Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)

Programs Object

This topic applies to Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional only.

The Programs object manages a collection of Program objects.

This object exposes the following properties, methods and events.

Property Description
AddNew Retrieves an object from the collection. If no object with the specified name exists, one is added.
Count Retrieves the number of objects in the collection.
Item Retrieves the object located at the specified index.
ItemsByKey Retrieves a sorted collection of objects that meet the specified criteria.
ItemsWithMetaProperty Retrieves a collection of objects all associated with the specified MetaProperty object.
ItemsWithMetaPropertyCond Retrieves a collection of objects that meet the condition of a specified MetaPropertyCondition object.
ItemWithID Retrieves an object from the collection by unique identifier.
ItemWithKey Retrieves an object by using the collection's key metaproperty.

Method Description
Remove Removes an object from the repository.
RemoveAll Removes all objects in the collection from the repository.
Resync Updates the collection.
UnreferencedItems Retrieves a collection of objects that are not referenced by other objects.

Event Description
ItemAdded An object has been added to the collection.
ItemChanged An object in the collection has changed.
ItemRemoved An object has been removed from the collection.
ItemsChanged Two or more objects in the collection have been changed, added, or removed.